Writing Strong

By Dara Harper

With the guiding aim of facilitating creative exploration and growth, the Akron Black Artist Guild is steadfast in its mission to provide fruitful outlets and exceptional opportunities for artists hailing from diverse disciplines. A notable example of this initiative is the cultivation of the 'Write Strong' writers, a group formed with the purpose of harnessing and nurturing literary potential within the community.

The 'Write Strong' initiative, as part of ABAG's broader endeavors, distinguishes itself through the intimacy of its class sizes. By keeping groups small, the Guild has successfully created an environment where writers can delve more deeply into their craft and, more significantly, into their unique challenges. The trials of a busy life, battling self-doubt, and overcoming the array of excuses often plague creatives are topics addressed thoughtfully in these smaller, more personalized groups.

In fostering such a close-knit community, ABAG has laid the groundwork for a supportive and non-judgemental space. This space invites constructive feedback, encourages accountability, promotes mentorship, and enables the formation of lasting friendships. We believe that this harmonious combination acts as a catalyst for enhancing creativity, stimulating the birth of masterpieces, and, most importantly, empowering our writers to persevere and finish strong.

Our community of writers within 'Write Strong' boasts diverse literary interests. From novel writing, poetry, memoir creation, and short story composition to the crafting of self-help literature, all forms of written artistry are celebrated and nurtured. Whether you are a budding novice or a seasoned maestro, our shared goal remains consistent – to support every writer in achieving their aspirations.

Although most of our meetings are virtual, we occasionally enjoy get-togethers, fostering stronger bonds within our community. This year, the Akron Black Artist Guild takes great pride in launching its first year-long session for 'Write Strong'. This expansion was inspired by the success of the initiative's inaugural 30-Day Challenge, which generated an overwhelming demand from our enthusiastic participants for an extended duration. The Guild is excited to continue fostering this vibrant and passionate literary community as we venture forth on this yearlong creative journey.

While the registration for the 2023 'Write Strong' group is currently closed, we invite you to continue your writing journey alongside us. To help guide your creativity and literary exploration, we have crafted a special writing prompt book packed with inspiring cues and thoughtful suggestions. This book is a reflection of the camaraderie and shared creative energy that our community thrives on. Though you might not be present in our sessions, by engaging with these prompts, you'll be connecting with the spirit of our Writers' Group, effectively writing along with us. The book is available for purchase now. We look forward to the beautiful stories you will create and share in this communal spirit of creativity.


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