A New World Ahead

The Akron Black Artist Guild is four years strong today! Four years building a network that seeks to provide resources and opportunities for artists to thrive. As artists, more than ever, we need to engage our communities authentically. Our art is not just for us, it's for our communities. It's a powerful tool, a beacon of hope in an unsettling world we all face, like right now.  

So, what can we all do moving forward? ABAG challenges every artist in this city and beyond to join the movement. Use your resources and opportunities to push us all forward. Each of us has the power to make a difference and contribute to the vibrant and diverse artistic landscape we are building. Let's undoubtedly chip away at the very core of what once was and, together, create a new, brighter future. 

by Dara Harper


Finding Your Artistic Voice: Try it All


The Year of the Artist